From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Pulling stills from a time lapse

Pulling stills from a time lapse

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Pulling stills from a time lapse

- This week on The Practicing Photographer we're going to look at timelapse photography as a way of capturing a single image. Now normally timelapse photography does involve capturing single images. We shoot single images at regular intervals, string them all together, and end up with a video. I'm going to use that same technique but instead of ending up with a video I'm just going to grab one frame. The reason for this is because of the nature of what I wanted to shoot. I was on my motorcycle and I was driving through a really great landscape and I wanted a picture of that landscape but I was busy riding a motorcycle, I couldn't take pictures. So I took a GoPro, which is a tiny little what they call an action camera, and I strapped it to my chest and I put it in timelapse mode and I had it take a picture every five seconds. When I got home I had this huge mess of pictures and then I could go through and pick out the…
