From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Order prints and books from your Instagram photos

Order prints and books from your Instagram photos - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Order prints and books from your Instagram photos

- Mobile photography is such a great way to engage with your creativity because your camera phone is with you most of the time but you know the one thing that most mobile photographers have in common is that their relationship to the photographs they take with their camera phones is centered around a screen. The phone screen, a tablet or a computer. Hi, I'm Sean Dagen and this week on mobile photography weekly we're going to take a look at one of the ways that you can free your mobile images from their digital state and create really cool photo books right from your phone. So as with a lot of services and products that you can order from your mobile device, there are a variety of apps that you could choose from. We're going to be taking a look at an app called Simple Prints which is available for both iOS and Android. So at present times, Simple Prints offers; eight by eight format books. This is one of their softcover books. They also have hardcover books but in the near future, they…
