From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Looking at the Nikon KeyMission

Looking at the Nikon KeyMission

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Looking at the Nikon KeyMission

- If you paid much attention to the 360 or VR camera market, you might recognize these two gizmos. This is a Ricoh Theta, this is a Nikon KeyMission, these are both 360 cameras. Press a button and they take a spherical image, either a still image or a video. You can then view that spherical image using googles or you can pan about it on your mobile device or even on your computer. If you've been hanging around here, the practicing photographer, very much then you've probably seen me using the Theta, we did an entire course on the Theta, we did another VR course that featured the Theta very heavily, the KeyMission is the second VR camera that I've gotten to use pretty extensively and I want to talk a little bit about it just in case you've been wondering about this camera but more importantly, now having worked a lot with a second camera, I'm starting to get an idea of the kinds of features and things you might want to…
