From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Listening to your camera to get good exposure

Listening to your camera to get good exposure

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Listening to your camera to get good exposure

As photographers we're always worried about seeing and learning to see better and learning to see the world around us and we move through the world trying to see photos wherever we can. This week on The Practicing Photographer we're going to look at how your ear can play a very valuable part in getting better pictures. I've been stomping around out here in the woods shooting fallen logs and kind of landscapey kind of stuff. And because of what I've been shooting I've been in a mode of knowing that I want deep depth of field in most of my shots. So I've got my camera in Aperture Priority mode set it F8. This is a APSIC sensor so F8 is a good balance of, it's going to give me deep depth of field. And it's not going to be such a small aperture that I get a softening in my image from diffraction artifacts. So I just spotted this moss covered fallen tree with some snow on it and a bright red end here. And I, I've just been so excited to…
