From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Lindsay Addario's book, It's What I Do

Lindsay Addario's book, It's What I Do

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Lindsay Addario's book, It's What I Do

- For a lot of people the word photographer conjures images of a person on assignment documenting a place or an event, in other words, for a lot of people the word photographer means photojournalist. Most photographers, of course, are not photojournalists and fewer still are conflict or war photographers, and with good reason. If getting a good photo is hard under normal circumstances it's especially difficult when someone is shooting bullets at you. Lynsey Addario is a conflict photographer and she's very good at her job. Good enough to have won a MacArthur genius fellowship and innumerable other awards. Widely published, you have likely seen some of her images, and you can now read her memoir, It's What I Do, A Photographer's Life of Love and War, which was published in 2015. More than just a book for photographers, It's What I Do is an exciting story that's very well told. For those interested in photography it…
