From the course: Improving Your Photography and Portraits with Lighting Modifiers

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Lighting a portrait with a softbox

Lighting a portrait with a softbox

- One light can make a beautiful model look extremely elegant, if it's shot the right way. What we want to do now, is we want to take our light source and modify it with a beauty dish here. Beauty dishes come in different shapes and sizes. This right here is the actual collapsible one. Most of the beauty dishes are the metal ones that come around. This is a modified version of a beauty dish. What we want to do, is leave the fabric on. Now, the purpose of this fabric, is it's going to diffuse the light even more. This is perfect when we're dealing with a beautiful subject. Now, if this were a man, we could take this off, and we want that harsh light to come across so it gives more of his characteristics. What I want to do is called feathering the light. I have the light pointed directly at her, which is great, but I don't want it to touch the background. I'm going to slowly feather the light like so, and now the light is going to come across, it's going to kiss her, and then continue…
