From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Light painting with a drone at night

Light painting with a drone at night

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Light painting with a drone at night

- In my Foundations of Photography: Night and Low Light course, we take a look at light painting. That's the process of doing a long exposure of something, while you paint that something with a flashlight, or strobes, or something like that. It's a way of getting cool lighting effects in extremely low light. This week, on The Practicing Photographer, we're going to look at a really cool way of doing that, and as you might have guessed, it's going to involve a drone. Now, normally, when we think of shooting with a drone, we think of mounting a camera on a drone, and using that to get a cool perspective, and that's a great use of a drone, but recently, I got to see something even cooler. The Lynda team was sent out with a Santa Cruz flying club to try something a little bit different. Russell Brown and Aaron Grimes had come up with the idea of using the drone not as a camera platform, but as a lighting platform. That…
