From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Instant prints with Instax

Instant prints with Instax

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Instant prints with Instax

- It seems that more often than not, if the word photography comes up, it's preceded by digital. It's certainly a digital world and digital photography has become very popular. But there are still some options for what is essentially film-based photography. Now, it's been a long time since I've captured any images on film. I'm very much a digital photographer. In fact, I had to look back in my catalog and see when was the last time I shot film. And it was in 2007, about a decade ago. So that even wasn't by choice, really. I realized I was in Hawaii without an option for an underwater housing. The only way that I could get any photos in the water safely was to go out and find a solution. And I couldn't find a camera store. I found a gift shop that had underwater instant cameras, and I made use of that the best I could for some underwater and on-the-water photography in Hawaii. But, there are some film options that you might want to consider including the option for instant photography.…
