From the course: Photo Tips and Tools Weekly

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Improving a landscape photo with Lightroom

Improving a landscape photo with Lightroom

From the course: Photo Tips and Tools Weekly

Improving a landscape photo with Lightroom

- [Chris Orwig] So the question is how do we go from the original capture, which appears like this straight out of the camera, how do we go from this to that? Well, that's exactly what we will be talking about in this week's episode. Hi, my name is Chris Orwig, and I come to you every week in order to share some tips and techniques for capturing and creating better photographs. And in this week's episode, we are up in the mountains in Oregon and we're working in Lightroom Classic, and you're going to walk through a workflow which will involve using our basic settings here, as well as some other adjustments and some selective adjustments as well. So let's start off here in the Basic panel in the Develop module. One of the first things that I want to do is modify my exposure and contrast. Now the exposure is actually pretty close, but I will brighten that just a little bit. Now, if you want to make small adjustments…
