From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Getting commercial photography clients

Getting commercial photography clients

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Getting commercial photography clients

- Takes a lot of knowledge and skill to be a professional photographer, professional working, commercial photographer. I am sitting here with a knowledgeable, skillful, working, professional photographer: RC Rivera. We're in his San Francisco Bay studio. RC, you got a lot of gear around here and you and I have had a lot of discussions about photography. RC is a vast font of knowledge about all things technical in photography. And I think a lot of people, if they could be in a room with you right now, a lot of people who are interested in commercial photography, what they would really want to know is, how do you find work? Where do clients come from? Understanding F-Stops and shutter speeds are one thing, but where do you find a client? - How do you find work? Well, first I do recommend having a portfolio and a website, for sure. That's how everybody finds everybody now. - And a portfolio is not something you build…
