From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Focusing with Live View

Focusing with Live View

- When it comes to establishing and confirming focus, especially when you're focusing manually, to me the very best feature on the camera is actually the live view display. I know that many photographers like to malign live view because we might have a tendency to look at that display a little bit too often, but it can be tremendously helpful when establishing manual focus. I've got a flower here. I'm taking a little respite, finding some nature in Madison Square Park here in New York City. Found a nice flower here, and so I'm going to capture an image. I'll first of course enable my live view display so that I can actually see what I've framed up here. I can use that to help me confirm the framing. But more importantly, when I'm shooting very close up like this, auto focus can be a challenge. And even if I'm able to auto focus effectively on this flower, I'm not going to necessarily be able to consistently focus in exactly the same place or exactly where I'd like that focus…
