From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Exploring lo-fi printing options

Exploring lo-fi printing options

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Exploring lo-fi printing options

- I'm a photographic print snob. I admit it and I'm proud of it, I gotta say. I don't believe an image is really finished until it's on paper. You need to see that reflected light coming off of a piece of paper to get the same quality of light that you get when you look at something out in the real world. If you watched my Inkjet Printing for Photographers course, you've heard me ramble on about that in a kind of nauseating way for quite a while. You've also seen in that course that I can get very, very finicky about very precise adjustments of contrast and brightness and levels and particularly black and white as I strive to make a good print. I really enjoy that work. I think that level of work is critical if you want to do a good job printing. So this week I'm gonna talk about not doing that because there's another way to go with prints, which is to go with more of a low fidelity type of print. That's possible now in…
