From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Discussing the business of stock photography

Discussing the business of stock photography

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Discussing the business of stock photography

Photography covers a lot different applications. There's wedding photography, event photography, landscape photography, you might be a fine art photographer, you might want to be an architectural photographer. There's also something called stock photography and I'm sitting here now with Carolyn Wright, the Photo Attorney. Now, Carolyn is a lawyer who specializes in photographers rights issues, but you also have a nice little career as a stock photographer. >> Yes. I've been shooting since I was 12 years old, so and lots of nature and wild life. >> Before we go on, I think we ought to define what is stock photography. What do I mean by that? >> Well, as opposed to assignment photography, where you're hired either by client or a bride for her wedding, that sort of thing is, when you're shooting on your own and then you are hopeful that, if you get some great shots, that you'll be able to license the photograph to people…
