From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Create a custom Instagram profile grid

Create a custom Instagram profile grid - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Create a custom Instagram profile grid

- Hi, I'm Shawn Duggan and this week we're going to take a look at how to make a custom photo grid for your Instagram profile page. And you probably run across these before in your Instagram wanderings where when you go to the profile page of a photographer or a business, instead of a grid of individual pictures you'll see a single scene, a single photograph or an illustration that is divided up almost into a mosaic where each individual square tile creates a part of the whole scene. So kind of like this shot here which I made for my own page. So if you tap on an individual picture, you'll see that but then if you view the profile page, you'll see the grid of the nine pictures showing the full scene. And obviously you can choose to add text there if you want to. So this is a really creative way to present your images, to present yourself. It's really good if you want to have a static Instagram profile page in place for a while, perhaps marketing an event or a particular product. Not…
