From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

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Camera phone composition basics

Camera phone composition basics - iPhone Tutorial

From the course: Mobile Photography Weekly

Camera phone composition basics

- Three of the elements that help contribute to a successful photograph are the light in the scene, the camera exposure that's used to capture that light, and how you compose the photograph. Hi, I'm Sean Duggan. And this week on Mobile Photography Weekly, we're gonna focus on one of those areas and I wanna go over some tips and techniques that'll help you get better compositions with your camera phone. And you know, composing a scene with a camera phone is really no different than composing a scene with any other type of camera. (camera snaps) The basic elements are the same. You have a rectangular or a square viewfinder and it's up to you to arrange the elements in the scene to get an interesting and pleasing composition. So let's take a look at some of these tips. First, avoid taking the picture just from standing height or wherever you happen to be. A lot of times I see people, they'll take a picture, they'll just raise the camera, snap, and move on. (camera snaps) You wanna…
