From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Bag for cables and accessories

Bag for cables and accessories

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Bag for cables and accessories

- Traveling for photography often means traveling with a computer and it also often means traveling with lots of accessories. I need to travel with a card reader, for example, adapters, cables for hard drives, cables to charge my smartphone. There's a lot of clutter and it can get very messy, very quickly, and so I found it to be tremendously helpful to have a pouch for all of those little accessories for your computer and for your camera. All the little things that you need to travel with for photography so that you can organize. Get all of those goodies into the bag and, in this case, this is a pouch from Think Tank. It also includes little straps that help you to organize your cables. I can roll up a cable here and then use this strap in order to help make sure that it stays perfectly tidy so that the cable doesn't get tangled up with all of the other goodies in my gear bag. So any pouch that you can use to…
