From the course: Learning Studio Lights and Flash Lighting

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Working with soft light

Working with soft light

If you'd like to make people look more beautiful in your images, soft light is usually a good choice. Think about how fog and clouds act as diffusion over the harsh sun. On an overcast day the entire sky becomes a single, very broad light source. When working with studio light. Diffusers give the same effect as daylight cloud cover, spreading light from a tiny source onto a larger area. Okay, Kristina. Are you ready to become even more beautiful than you already are? >> I am ready. Thank you. (LAUGH) >> Okay. So I have this hard light source shining on, on Kristina. I took the diffusion panel off of here so you can see the bare bulbs. And you can see the harsh shadows on her face. So let me get a. A shot of that to start with, and we'll use that as our reference shot. Kind of a before and after. Very nice, okay. So now we have that setup. Let me show you one way to modify or soften this hard light. And that would be. By using a diffuser. Now I have a diffusion panel that goes over…
