From the course: Learning Food and Drink Photography

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Creating a specular lighting setup

Creating a specular lighting setup

We're shooting in the studio again to look at two different main categories of light qualities, specular and diffuse. The simplest way to think about these two distinct qualities of light is to think how we experience them in nature. Specular would be direct sunlight. Diffuse would be a cloudy day with no direct sunlight. Of course, there are many variations of both of these in nature and that transforms to what we can do in our lightning. In this movie, we're going to look at the qualities of the specular light and how we might want to use them with food photography. You might remember that we discovered that having the light source 90 to 130 degrees from the camera is going to give us the most control in drawing the shape for our food images. I've put my light at about 120 degrees to the camera. I've kept it fairly low to get longer shadows, much like the late sunlight. This position of light gives us something called edge or rim light. I'm going to modify the light with a CTO gel…
