From the course: Learning Food and Drink Photography

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Creating a natural look with artificial lighting

Creating a natural look with artificial lighting

From the course: Learning Food and Drink Photography

Creating a natural look with artificial lighting

As a food photographer, I'm often asked to shoot at a restaurant to create images for advertising, menus, web, or display. For this type of location food work, using a pro DSLR with a macro lens, along with some supplemental lighting, helps create great results. Two types of supplemental lighting to consider would be something like a diva light, which is a continuous light source, or a strobe, which has the ability to stop action like in a pour shot. Let's talk about the diva light first. The diva light is made up of four fluorescent tubes that are balanced at daylight color temperature and will give you a soft natural light. You might also think about adding additional diffusion to this light. This will soften the light even more, giving you many options for different looks. For best results, use your lights between 90 degrees and 130 degrees to the camera. A great advantage to this power setup with the diva is that it draws very little amps, maybe three amps. This means that we will…
