From the course: 5-Day Photo Challenge: Composition

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Day four challenge: Dirtying up the frame

Day four challenge: Dirtying up the frame

From the course: 5-Day Photo Challenge: Composition

Day four challenge: Dirtying up the frame

- Welcome to day four of the five-day photo challenge. Today we're going to do another compositional exercise. This one may be a little bit different than what your normal instincts are. Very often when we speak of good composition we use words like clean, meaning there's nothing extra in the frame. And for most people that means there's the subject and there's a background. Right now you're looking at a frame where there's me, the subject, and there is a background. But there's also stuff in the foreground. This is a composition that's dirty. The front of it's been dirtied up with extra stuff. But it's not a bad composition. That stuff in the foreground still serves a purpose. It is still serving to frame and guide the viewer's eye, and so on and so forth. So, for today's challenge, I want you to go out and dirty up your frame. I want you to practice composition where you have elements in the front of your subject that you are using compositionally. Doesn't just mean we'll stick…
