From the course: Photography 101: Shooting Macros and Close-Ups

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Working close up with the iPhone

Working close up with the iPhone

You might be surprised at just how close you can focus with your iPhone's built-in camera. But sometimes it's a little tricky getting it to lock onto something exactly where you want it to. So, I want to show you a trick to lock the focus and the exposure using the iPhone's built-in camera app. And that will allow you to focus exactly where you want to on your subject. So, right here I have a sprig of rosemary with some lovely little purple flowers on it and I've set it up against this simple black background. The lighting on here is just nice simple lighting on here and it's going to look really kind of cool and dramatic for this iPhone shot. You might be surprised that this came out of an iPhone. So, let's get started. So, here I've got my iPhone. And you'll notice, I'm going to get super, super close here. And I'm just going to, you know, tap on the screen to get it to focus. And it's not quite focusing. A little bit too close. So, I'll back up a little bit and tap it again. Back…
