From the course: The Traveling Photographer: Paris

Welcome to Paris

- Some cities are so instantly recognizable they need no introduction. For The Traveling Photographer, I'm David Hobby. Welcome to Paris. If you're coming to Paris , you're probably already planning on visiting the typical tourist stops. Climbing the Eiffel Tower, visiting Notre Dame, spending a day at the Louvre. What we're gonna try to do is give you some inside tips to make your trip much more efficient. We'll also be suggesting some photographic experiences for magic hour in the evening when the photos look fantastic. Remember, as traveling photographers, we hang out with our family and loved ones during the day just enjoying the experience, but as the sun starts to head down toward sunset, we shift into photographer mode for that hour before and after sunset when pictures look amazing. At this point, we're assuming you've watched The Traveling Photographer Fundamentals. So if you haven't, you should probably stop and do that now because we're about to hit the ground running.
