From the course: The DIY Photographer

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Using wallpaper as a portrait backdrop

Using wallpaper as a portrait backdrop

From the course: The DIY Photographer

Using wallpaper as a portrait backdrop

- Hi, and welcome to The DIY Photographer, I'm your host, Joseph Linaschke. Today we're talking about backgrounds. Specifically, backgrounds made out of wallpaper. Now think about this, if you go to your home fix-it center, you're going to find wallpapers of all different kinds of textures. Some like these here, this is kind of a linen looking texture. Maybe big patterns like this one, kind of an interesting white with swirly, circle-y, grey lines on it. But you'll also find things that look like real world scenarios, like a brick wall, or a concrete wall, or even wood. Now those things don't look 100% realistic when you get up close to them, but they can make great photographic backdrops. Sure, they're not three-dimensional. If you were to put a light on the brick wall, you're not going to get those little shadows that you'd get on natural brick, but as a photographic backdrop, just a little bit out of focus perhaps, it's going to look totally believable. Now the cool thing about…
