From the course: Photography 101: Shooting in Low Light

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Using the iPad as a portrait light source

Using the iPad as a portrait light source

From the course: Photography 101: Shooting in Low Light

Using the iPad as a portrait light source

One of the really fun things about working in low light situations is every little bit of light that you add or take away can make a big difference. So if you're in a room like this in this hotel and you wanted to kind of change the lights up a little bit you might have a lot of different table lights or floor lamps that you can move around and reposition and so on. And if you have dimmers on those lights, then even better, because you can really control exactly what you want. But the thing is, we don't always have those type of light sources readily available. But there is a light source that pretty much most of us, if not all of us, carry these days. And that's something like an iPhone or an iPad. There are apps for the devices. And you'll find this these on iOS and Android devices that will allow you to create a light source. So this one here is called Photo Soft Box. I love this app. This allows me to create a light source based off of a variety of color temperature that are…
