From the course: Photography 101: Shooting Macros and Close-Ups

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Shooting indoors in a miniature studio

Shooting indoors in a miniature studio

In this video I want to talk about how easily you can set up a studio, in your home. Studio photography requires a big space and a lot of expensive equipment. But here I'm going to show you how you can set up a mini studio, in your own kitchen. To start off we have this little silk box here, it's a simple white pop up box that allows us to put objects inside and photograph them with very nice even light. By putting lights outside of the box, we get really soft diffused lighting for whatever we decide to shoot inside of it. In this case, we're shooting glass and, glass is particularly challenging to shoot, because it picks up reflections of everything around it. So, as you'll see in a moment, shooting glass inside of this box, is a great way to do it. Now the second part of this, is the lights themselves. Now in this case we're working with some very inexpensive office shelf lights from the hardware store. These are simple little clamp lights. And we will put in here a couple of CFL…
