From the course: Photography Foundations: Lenses

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Your lens is where your image making begins, which means it's also where a lot of problems can start. Fortunately, many of these problems can be prevented with some simple lens maintenance. In general, a lens is a very sturdy device that can withstand a fair amount reasonable abuse, unless it's an especially cheap plastic-y model. One way to really reduce the chances of that kind of abuse is to carry your camera properly. This is particularly true when you're carrying your camera with a long lens on it. I see this all the time. People walking around with their lens hanging like this. The problem is, you're going to bump it into something. It's also not that comfortable, because with the lens hanging off this way, it's pulling on my shoulder in different ways. It's flopping around more, the center of gravity is all along. So a very simple fix for this, which is, take it off of your shoulder, turn it around, and put it back on. Now the lens is not hanging around out here, and it's much…
