From the course: The Traveling Photographer: Paris

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Getting there and where to stay

Getting there and where to stay

- For many people, the USA to Europe overnight flight is perhaps the worst route for jet lag. Think of it this way. You leave in the evening, you arrive in early morning, but you'll have at least six time zones of sleep stolen from you in the process because you're flying east. And then, you have to stay up throughout the whole day when you arrive in Europe no matter how little sleep you got on your flight. Because napping your way into a new time zone is the worst thing you can do for your jet leg. The trick here is to plan ahead. On the day of your trip, get up as early as possible. When you get on the plane, your goal is to get to sleep as soon as possible, and to sleep for as long as possible. And again, no afternoon nap when you hit the wall on arrival day. You'll thank me later. Arriving in Paris probably means an arrival at Charles de Gualle International Airport. From there you'll follow the blue signs and get tickets for the RER train into town. A trip into Paris is about $14…
