From the course: Analog Photography: Setting Up a Home Darkroom


(guitar music) - I made my first black and white photograph almost 50 years ago with this camera and it started a passion that I pursue to this day. What I want to share with you in this course is how to build a home darkroom so you can share that same experience. I'm Konrad Eek, a photographer and framer and this journey will take us to lots of interesting places. We'll look at all the equipment that's involved, everything from the enlarger, an amazing device, to the chemicals that will be involved in making the prints, to the tools to put it all together. We'll explore a home, looking at different rooms as options for creating a darkroom. We'll then take a room and adapt it, and make all the modifications we need to make in order to use it as a darkroom. We'll then install the equipment in the darkroom, test everything to make sure it's functioning properly, and do a quick run-through of the black and white printing process to show that it all really does work. And I hope as you go through this you'll discover the excitement and magic of the process when you see a print created in a darkroom we've made from scratch.
