From the course: Extending Laravel with First Party Packages

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Set up your project

Set up your project

- [Instructor] All right, welcome back everybody. We are now moving on to a brand new section. So the previous section was focused around Laravel Socialite, so that we could work with social logins and signing up social users. Now, we're gonna be focusing on in this section a brand, another official package called Laravel Scout. So this is like again, another official package, officially maintained by Laravel, but Laravel Scout makes it super easy to create search features inside of your application and also indexing your databases and your models, okay? So it's all focused around creating really good easy search experiences. And that's gonna be the goal of this section is helping you build better search functionality for your application, and this is actually gonna be really cool, because by the end of this, we are actually going to be building something that looks just as good as Google, you'll also have live search updates, auto completing as you type and stuff like that. So we can…
