From the course: Extending Laravel with First Party Packages

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How social sign-on works

How social sign-on works

- [Instructor] Alright, welcome back. So we had to take a quick pause with building out our social authentication in our application. I wanted to pause real quick and do this video, because before we can continue further with our application, we're going to need to understand a few points about social sign-on and how it works. Because there's gonna be some concepts here. We need to create a few controllers and models and store some information in our database. And it's not going to really make sense what we're doing unless you understand how social sign-on works in general. Now Socialite's gonna make this process a lot easier, but this is how it works at a high level. And then Socialite's gonna handle a lot of these details for them, but there's still a few points in the process we need to be aware of. Okay so throughout this video, we're gonna talk about how social sign-on works. We're also gonna talk about what is OAuth, that we'll explain that here in just a moment. And then also…
