From the course: Extending Laravel with First Party Packages

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Set up a Pusher account

Set up a Pusher account

- Alright, so now it's time to continue setting up our project, and by setting up Pusher. So we're gonna head over to the website and get started on this. We're going to create a Pusher account and then we're going to get some API credentials, and we'll fill those into Laravel, so then we're ready to get up and start working with WebSockets and Laravel Echo. Alright, so now here we are on be sure to head over there, you can take a look at their website. But Pusher is what's going to allow us to start working with WebSockets. So we're going to go ahead and create an account on here, to start using some realtime features. I'm just gonna register with GitHub you can sign up with your email, Google, however you want. I'm gonna log in with GitHub, and then here's my account here. So here you can see, everything, a dashboard of what you're using and what we're going to want to do to get started is we're going to want to create a new application, so we're going to come…
