From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Setting permissions for individual folders

Setting permissions for individual folders

From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

Setting permissions for individual folders

- In the last video, I showed you how to set a delegate for your inbox. This way, somebody else can manage your mail and have access to your inbox. In this video, I'm going to show you a different way that you can give access to certain sub-folders in your mail file, while not having to give access to your complete mail file. Instead of adding them as a delegate like I did in the last video, we're going to set individual permission levels. I have my 128 Main folder that I've been working on. Let's give Johnathan access to this folder. I'm going to right-click on a folder, select properties, and change to the Permissions tab. Here I can see some default permissions in here. I'm going to click the Add button. I'll select Johnathan's name, click Add, and then OK. Now that Johnathan's listed in here, let's give him a Permission Level. I'm going to make Johnathan a Reviewer. This means he can read mail that's in that folder, but he can't edit or delete any mail. I need to make sure that…
