From the course: Cert Prep: Outlook Associate - Microsoft Office Specialist for Office 2019 and Office 365

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Perform Search operations

Perform Search operations

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the MOS objectives around performing search operations. You'll need to know how to create search folders, search for messages, calendar items, contacts, and tasks and search by using Advanced Find. We'll start out in the inbox and our first objective is to create search folders. Search folders are great because they provide an up-to-date view of messages that are stored in different mail folders based on criteria you specified. You may already have several search folders by default. Notice under Chong's mailbox if I click on the Cecilia for two folder this changes to a view that shows me all current mail from Cecilia. I can click on the for follow-up folder and this shows me all mail that I've got marked for follow-up. I can choose larger than 250 kilobytes and we see all the mail that matches that criteria. A common task might be to create a search folder for mail with the words…
