From the course: Cert Prep: Outlook 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist (77-731)

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Create contacts

Create contacts

- [Narrator] Let's explore creating contacts. For the MOS exam, you'll need to know how to create a new contact, edit contact information, attach an image to a contact, delete contacts, and add tags to contacts. I've clicked on the people module within Outlook, and this is where we can see all of the people, or contacts. Remember, you'll hear both words interchangeably. I'll double-click on Cecilia, just to take a look at her information. You can see I have a lot of information that I can store here, and I always like to point out that any of the fields with a drop-down arrow, allow you to store multiple options. So, for example, with email, you can store three emails in that field, and with phone numbers, you have lots of options. Notice on the ribbon that we're looking at the General tab, but there's also a Details tab. I'll click Details, and you can see here that we can store even more information about a contact. I also like to point out that if you store a birthday or an…
