From the course: Outlook 2016 Essential Training

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Backing up or moving Outlook

Backing up or moving Outlook

- I'm going to show you where your data actually resides on your computer and also, how to export your Outlook file. Click the File ribbon tab, and in the Info area, select Account Settings and then choose Account Settings again. From here, change to the Data Files tab. This is going to show where you all the data files for your account are located including your archives folder. This is especially useful if you have a local archive file on your computer and you need to back it up. In fact, you don't even need to look for this folder. You can click on it once and select Open File Location. Outlook is automatically going to open up an Explorer window and take you directly there. From here, you could right click on the file, choose Send to, and send it to an external drive if you have one attached to your computer for easy backup. I'll click the X to close out of this. I'll hit Close and let's go back into the File menu. This time I'm going to select Open & Export. I could open a…
