From the course: Microsoft Project 2013 Essential Training

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Using earned value

Using earned value

Earned Value Analysis measures performance based on how much of the project cost you've earned by completing work. Earned Value converts costs and work progress into dollars, so you can see cost and scheduled performance side-by-side, but you need a couple of things to do Earned Value Analysis. The first thing you need is a baseline, because you're comparing performance to the plan. We go to the Project tab, click Set Baseline and Choose Set Baseline and here you can see that there is a baseline saved, because you can see the date it was saved on. So we've got the first part. I'll click Cancel here. The second thing you need is a status date, because earned value looks at work completed through the status date. Here on the Project tab you can also see that there is a status date, so basically we're all set to do Earned Value Analysis. To look at Earned Value go to the Report tab, click Costs and then choose Earned Value Report. In this chart planned value is called BCWS and that…
