From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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The menu bar

The menu bar

- The Menu bar has received an update in Nuke 9. Only one of the top menu names have been changed, but several of the pop-up menus have internal changes. I can show you right here. I'll do a screen grab of the Nuke 9 and Nuke 8 Menu bars to help make this easier to compare. So this one is the Nuke 9, and here's the Nuke 8 in blue so you can tell them apart. Now as you can see overall, there's been practically no change in the name of the menus except Workspace and Layout. Layout has been now renamed to Workspace. So let's take a look at what they do. First up, the Nukex pop-up, there's been no change between Nuke 8 and Nuke 9. But the File menu has got some changes here, and again, the Nuke 8 one is in blue. Basically, we've added the word Comp to a lot of things, but the functionality is essentially unchanged. A few things have been reorganized, the Save and Save As is now down here and the New and the Open are still up there, but basically the same functionality. Next up, the Edit…
