From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Which keyer is best?

Which keyer is best? - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Which keyer is best?

- [Lecturer] The answer to the burning question, which keyer is best is all of them. Nuke has four world class keyers but each has its own strength and weaknesses. So the right answer is to know which keyer to use for which situation. So we're gonna take a look at the kinds of things that each keyer here is best suited for. Let's start with Ultimatte. Ultimatte is a colored difference keyer developed way back in 1976. It's great strength is smoke and shadows. And Ultimatte is the only keyer that actually has a clean plate input, it's right here. So if you have a clean plate for your green-screen, you can get an amazing composite with Ultimatte. The problem is in the real world, you are almost never gonna get a clean plate. One other unique feature of Ultimatte is that it does have a built-in color correction capability which none of the other keyers do. Okay, let's look at the IBK Keyer next. The IBK Keyer is an image-based keyer. And it's actually optimized for situations like this…
