From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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When to use edge blending

When to use edge blending - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

When to use edge blending

- [Instructor] The keying process tends to produce unnaturally sharp edges around the comp. So edge blending is the solution. The idea is to run a tiny blur just around the edge of the foreground object to blend its outer edge with the background plate, making a more photo realistic comp. First we'll roll our own edge blend operation, then go see how the Nuke EdgeBlur node works. So let's take a look at rolling our own edge blend. We're starting here with a background plate and a pre-multiplied, keyed, despilled and color-corrected foreground ready to comp. So we comp that over the background, then we come back to our foreground object, taking its alpha channel and giving it a blur. Now notice it's got a very small blur blur too. The idea behind this blur as I toggle it on and off is I'm actually widening this edge. That'll give me a slightly wider edge mask. Then, in this color look-up node, we actually create the edge mask. Whoa! How do we do that? Let's take a look. Let's open up…
