From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Viewing channels in the viewer

Viewing channels in the viewer - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

Viewing channels in the viewer

While a typical image may have three or four channels nuke supports up to a 1,023 channels that can be grouped into layers and given names. This is a very big advantage when compositing large complex visual effects shots. Here we'll see how nukes viewer deals with the channels and layers. This nuke script is from the exercise files. Chapter three, script three dash one, viewer channels. We'll start by how to see channels in the viewer. We go to this pop up here this is the viewer channel pop up, and I say I want to see the red channel or the green or the blue or the alpha. If I want to go back to RGB, I select this one. But there are also keyboard shortcuts. If I want to see the red channel, I can type R on the keyboard, G for green, B for blue, and, of course, A for alpha. Now, to get back to RGB from the keyboard shortcut. You type the last key you struck. In this case the A key for alpha so i'll type A again, i'm back to color. If i type R for red, R again gets me back to color…
