From the course: Nuke New Features Consolidated

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Utlimatte: Spill suppression

Utlimatte: Spill suppression - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke New Features Consolidated

Utlimatte: Spill suppression

- [Instructor] With the shadows properly adjusted, we can now turn our attention to spill suppression. The Spill tab contains all the adjustments for refining Utlimatte's superb spill suppression. By default it's enabled. Let's take a look at the umbrella. Since it's a semi-transparent object, it's heavily influenced by the spill suppression. First of all, watch what happens when I enable and disable the spill suppression. By default, the spill suppression is enabled and normally you're going to leave it that way. We have adjustments here that can be used to dial in the spill suppression either increase it or decrease it in cool, warm, mid tones, brights, darks, any part of the picture you want. Watch what happens when I adjust the cool. Keep in mind that that umbrella is kind of a cool color as far as color temperature goes. Now, moving it to the right means I am pulling out more blue, I am increasing the amount of spill suppression, moving it to the left, I am reducing the amount of…
