From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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Use the Viewer: Part 1

Use the Viewer: Part 1 - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training

Use the Viewer: Part 1

- [Instructor] Nuke's Viewer is incredibly powerful and obviously an essential tool for viewing your visual effects. In this video, we'll survey the viewer's awesome capabilities. But let's start with the viewer node itself. Now the viewer node can be connected to any nod in your tree so if I hook it up here, I'm going to see the read node for the jet. Over here, is the read node for the background. And of course down there is my composite at the merge node. Now the viewer can have up to ten inputs. And we can do that by the numbers. See this little number one right here? Okay, so I can select this read node and type a one. Then select this read node and type a two. And then this one and type a three. So I now have three completely different inputs numbered one, two, three. I can then rapidly cycle through those inputs as fast I can type on the keyboard. One, two, three, one, two, three. This is very useful for toggling back and forth between a couple of different images. If you…
