From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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The RotoPaint node

The RotoPaint node

The roto paint node retains the shape drawing capability of the roto node, and adds a powerful procedural paint system. In one node, you can combine the shapes and paint, plus an array of brushes, like a blur. A procedural paint system records the paint strokes as splines that are then stroked with paint. The key here is that these paint strokes can be edited after the fact, and even animated over time. Let's open up the roto paint node, and we'll select a shape just to show you how it combines everything in one node. Alright? I got that shape. Now I can select a brush, I can add some paint to that shape, and then turn right around, and use an eraser on the shape and the paint. The primary use for the roto paint node is for painting masks, not pictures. Okay, we're done with that. So I'm going to do a Shift-click to select all of them, and delete all my strokes. Now let's take a look at this procedural thing. So I'm going to select a brush and just draw one stroke, now if I use the…
