From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Retiming with OFlow

Retiming with OFlow

Optical flow is one of the most magical things a computer can do with images. It actually calculates in between frames, to create high quality speed changers. It does this by analysing the motion in a clip and calculating motion vectors, to describe this motion, which are then used to calculate the in between frames. Lets take a look, I'll select my read node. Come up to the time menu, and select o flow and the property panel opens up in the property bin. It could not be easier, I'll just go to speed and edit to be .25. That is 25% of the normal speed, this clip is 24 frames long, the timeline is 96 frames. So running at one quarter speed will exactly fill the timeline. I'll click play, and we'll see what we got. As you can see, it's running at one quarter speed and creating a much smoother flow. You might also be noticing a little background tearing going on here. We'll talk about that in a minute. I'll jump the play head to frame one. I'm going to turn on in and out points at 24…
