From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Project settings

Project settings

Project settings are where you enter key job settings such as the Frame Range and the Job Format. To open up the Project Settings window, make sure your cursor is in the Node graph and type S on the keyboard. And the Project Settings Property Panel opens up in the Property Bin. There's a number of tabs at the top and we are interested in the default tab which is Root. Most of the action we'll be working with is down here, so I'm going to float this window by clicking on this Float Window icon here, and them I'm going to scrunch this up. And scroll down so we can focus on the business right here. Now first, I'd like you to note the default frame range, one to 100, and that's reflected down here on the timeline. Also, the full size format, default is 2K super 35, but if I pop up the Format list. This is where a number of predefined formats are listed. Note that the last format is the Square 2K right at the bottom of the list. Keep that in mind because that's going to change in just a…
