From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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Planar Tracker workflow

Planar Tracker workflow

- So we're ready to start tracking our clip. I'll push in a little bit here, and I'm going to select a Cusped Bezier, and select this screen to track on. If you can get a little bit of the frame around the area you're interested in that'll actually help the Tracker. Because this is a glass screen and it's moving in the frame I might get some reflections or other luminous changes, so I'm going to enable the adjust for luminous changes feature. And then we're ready to track till the end of the shot. Okay, tracking's done, so let's play and see what we've got. Okay, well, that looks pretty good. When I'm tracking I like to put my playback on Bounce so I can see it better. So, let's take a look at that. All right, that looks pretty good. Next, we'll want to adjust the Planar Surface on the Planar Grid. To do that we want to jump to the reference frame. And we can jump to the reference frame right here, again, same as before, no change, jump to the reference frame. Turn on the Planar…
