From the course: Nuke New Features Consolidated

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Particles: Emitter node

Particles: Emitter node

- [Narrator] : The particle emitter node is the starting point of any particle animation as it creates the particles, while the other nodes manipulate them. Each particle has a lifetime in that it's born, it lives for a time, then it dies. So let's go get a particle emitter from the particle popup. Particle emitter node. Hook it up to our viewer, which automatically switches to 3D because the particles are a 3D event. A little more screen space here. Type F to wake up the viewer, and we see this interesting pipe. You zoom out a little bit. If we just take the default emitter as it comes out of the box and play it, all we get is this long, standing pole. Not very interesting, not very much fun. We back out a little bit more. There you go. But, if we come down to the spread parameter here, instead of in something like point two five, now we can see what's going on. The particle emitter property panel has a long list of adjustments that controls the look and the rate and the speed and…
