From the course: Nuke Essential Training (2014)

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- Previous versions of Nuke's particle system could only bounce particles off of a few internal geometric primitives. Now with Nuke 9 the particle bounce node will bounce particles off of any piece of geometry. I have a little particle system animation started in here. I'll go back to the first frame. Then I have this mountain geometry that I'm bringing in with a re-geo node. As you can see, the particles don't bounce off of it, but we can fix that by adding a particle bounce node. So I'll select the particle gravity node, come over to the particle tab and add a particle bounce node. And the geometry input hooks up to the re-geo node. Down here in the particle bounce property panels. The first thing is to set the object from one of the three geometric primitives to input. Next I'm going to set my bounce parameter to .6, let's make the friction .4 to make a nice animation. And we'll play that. And there you have it. Particles bouncing off of an arbitrary piece of geometry like we've…
