From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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Keying reflections off of glass techniques

Keying reflections off of glass techniques - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

Keying reflections off of glass techniques

- [Instructor] Reflections off glass can be difficult to key. To get the best results, you'll usually need to use a separate key optimized for the reflections, then set up separate controls over density and color so you can dial in the exact look you want. So let's take a look at a typical workflow, starting in here with our green-screen. First up, we pull a hard key with Keylight. Now the idea here is we want to punch out all the reflections, 'cause we're gonna do them in a separate key. Here I've set up Keylight to actually do the composite, just as an expedient for showing the workflow. Next, we'll start back up here, cruise over here to look at the very important spill suppression. Now I used PF Spill Kill because PF Spill Kill, which you can download right here off of, allows you to dial in the backing color with great precision. It also does not suck all the chroma out of the foreground, when many other spill suppressions will do that to you. So what I've done…
