From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

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IBK keyer: Keying and compositing

IBK keyer: Keying and compositing - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: VFX Keying: Master Course

IBK keyer: Keying and compositing

- [Steve] This is Steve Wright for the Foundry with a tutorial on Nuke's IBK Keyer, a powerful proprietary blue screen and green screen Keyer developed at Digital Domain. Its main virtue is that it's specifically designed to cope with the non-uniform backing regions we so often encounter with blue screen and green screen shots. It does this by not setting the backing region to a single color value, like most other Keyers, but instead generates a clean plate that preserves the color variations of the backing region, then uses this clean plate to create the key. The IBK Keyer consists of two nodes, the IBKColour, which creates our clean plate, and the IBKGizmo, which pulls the key. You'll find these two nodes in the Keyer popup right here, IBKGizmo, IBKColour. Here we're gonna just take a look at the basic node setup. We start by feeding the green screen plate into the IBKColour node, the IBKColour node then pulls the clean plate. This clean plate becomes the input to the IBKGizmo node…
